Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

I realized today that I hardly take any pictures anymore. I guess as the years of social media have developed, I have been so prone to just being tagged in pictures that I don't see the use to take some of my own. Now that I go back on it, I wish I had pictures of my own. So, when I return for my final semester, I am going to try and take more pictures. Obviously, my life is not that interesting and besides Pi Phi and student programming events, I doubt I even have many "picture worthy" moments, but it doesn't matter. Even if I am just snapping pictures with my roommates as we casually burst out into song in the middle of our living room or looking through my lens as I am living in the ASAP office with some of my best friends, down the road, I will be glad I did. Sooner or later, pictures will help me remember some of the memories I had during my life, especially the ones that did not revolve around a central event, like formal or Greek Week.

I hope I can carry this out as it is a pretty simple task and ultimately, I will start a habit and this will continue for the rest of my life.


Monday, January 2, 2012

2012- A Year of New Beginnings

As my about me has stated, I finally decided to start a blog. I guess even if no one reads this, it could almost be a type of journal in which I could read back on. It is extremely hard to believe that it is 2012. I can vividly remember when it became 2008 and I was so anxious about graduating high school. Now 4 years and a billion memories later, I only have 4 shorts months to enjoy what I have left of my college career at Monmouth. Scary-huh? Being on winter break until the 22nd, I have a lot of time to reflect on my past memories at college from receiving my bid to join my second home, Pi Phi to becoming president of the programming board my junior year and everything in between. I am going to miss so much about college. It is so hard for me to imagine leaving a place I have called home for so long.

However, even though I am scared to graduate and immerse myself into the real world, I am also extremely excited to see what is in store for my life. Applying for jobs and putting my education and experience in college to the test is going to be a stressful process, but hopefully in the end, it will be a rewarding one as well.