Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

I realized today that I hardly take any pictures anymore. I guess as the years of social media have developed, I have been so prone to just being tagged in pictures that I don't see the use to take some of my own. Now that I go back on it, I wish I had pictures of my own. So, when I return for my final semester, I am going to try and take more pictures. Obviously, my life is not that interesting and besides Pi Phi and student programming events, I doubt I even have many "picture worthy" moments, but it doesn't matter. Even if I am just snapping pictures with my roommates as we casually burst out into song in the middle of our living room or looking through my lens as I am living in the ASAP office with some of my best friends, down the road, I will be glad I did. Sooner or later, pictures will help me remember some of the memories I had during my life, especially the ones that did not revolve around a central event, like formal or Greek Week.

I hope I can carry this out as it is a pretty simple task and ultimately, I will start a habit and this will continue for the rest of my life.


1 comment:

  1. I would love more pics of us, like everyday =] (yes I read your blog =])
